Toccatas Recording Reviews

American Record Guide

“The outstanding works are Mel Powell’s Recitative and Toccata Percossa, which is in a pungent neoclassical idiom, and the Meltzer, an eclectic but very convincing set of shortish pieces that pay homage to what one might call “the 20th Century harpsichord piece” without falling into the same traps. The first, in particular, is a delightful essay in changing rhythmic patterns, mostly in two voices—exactly what the harpsichord can do best.”

— Rob Haskins, American Record Guide, January 2014


Classics Today

“Harold Meltzer’s five short toccatas effortlessly navigate the genre with a non-formulaic outlook and fresh harmonic invention at all times.”

— Jed Distler, Classics Today, September 10, 2015